Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

As we all enjoy our unofficial holiday of love, it is jarring to read about Saudi Arabia's plans to execute a woman for the 'crime' of witchcraft:

Saudi Arabia - close ally of the Bush clan, source of most of the 9/11 terrorists and one of the most sexually repressed countries on earth is a very good place not to be on Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Primary politics

It looks as if Obama is going to chalk up more big wins in VA, MD and DC today, all areas that Hillary probably thought she would do well in. Voting is reportedly very heavy - which is a good sign for Obama. In previous elections, the so-called "black" vote has never fulfilled the promise that its numbers would suggest it has. Black Democrats have never voted as religiously as say white Republicans - but this year looks different. If the black Democrats can make it to the polls in November in the same numbers they are getting to the polls now, the Republicans will lose the White House for sure.

I think Obama or Clinton both would be good Presidents, certainly light years ahead of the brain-damaged ex-pothead idiot we currently have. But I must say I am pleased that Obama seems to be pulling ahead. It has troubled me that America has been flipping back and forth between two ruling families for so long - that is not the America I know. That is the sort of thing that happens in a banana republic or third world country, not a major democracy with millions of talented citizens.

More than one sci-fi writer has already mentioned President Chelsea Clinton in their near future stories. Let's not limit our possibilities quite yet...

Monday, February 11, 2008

The population of space

I have updated my page on the population of "space" to reflect the current mission of the Atlantis.

Incidentally, the station will be extra visible in the early evening/early morning sky for the next few days while Atlantis is joined to it. Check the sighting opportunities at the NASA site below, and see if you have a chance to catch a glimpse of the extra bright, always growing station...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I'll try harder...

I will attempt to post more stuff, more often, and follow up better on my topics. Hmm, the best blogs, like John Scalzi's "Whatever" blog usually have four or five new posts each day, and attract dozens of comments and replies too. Having a blog with one post a month, will never reach that level of involvement and interest, so I shall attempt to change my ways, beginning NOW.

For a follow up on my concert vending job, here is an update on the shows from the last six weeks or so:

and that link will also show updates on the shows that I work as I post the updates.